
“Borghi più belli d’Italia”

Treia 3


Treia originally known as Trea-Jana was founded by the Piceni or Sabini people pre Roman times in the Potenza river valley, 1km away from its current location. During the Roman period the town was developed and became an important military centre as it was situated on the via Flaminia which was the main road connecting Rome to the harbour city of Ancona. The decline of the Roman Empire also marked the destruction of ancient Trea-Jana.

The Sanctuary of the Santissimo Crocifisso was built near the ancient Roman settlement of Trea-Jana. Several fragments of Roman objects are set into the lower part of the wall of the bell tower and at the entrance and inside the sanctuary there is a noteworthy wooden crucifix from the 15th century.

The existing town of Treia probably started to develop in its current location around 1000 AD as the hill site provided a more easily defendable location. Now the medieval town with imposing walls sits at 342 metres above sea level and is entered by one of seven gates.

In the city the main square is Piazza della Repubblica, and opens to a panoramic balcony that takes in stunning views across fields and rolling hills to the coast and the Conero. A monument to Pope Pius VI erected in 1785 takes centre stage of the balustrade. At the other end of the square is the town hall, with its long portico. Other noteworthy buildings are; the beautiful civic theatre built between 1805 and 1817, the Chiesa di San Filippo, the nineteen century cathedral dedicated to Santissima Annunziata, the convent of San Francesco which houses the Archaeological Museum.

There are a number of places to eat and drink in the old town; a couple of bars / coffee shops and four restaurants / pizzeria that have good choice of pizza but a limited alternative menus.

There is a Tourist information office near to the entrance of Hotel Grimaldi, along with a few shops and pharmacy.
The following link have some good pictures and information about Treia.


Treia is now best known for the Ball and Bracelet game, once played by nobles from 1818. The final is on the first Sunday in August, with the tournament being played by the teams of the four city districts, which is the highlight of Treia’s event calendar. The historical re-enactment Disfida del Bracciale takes place just before the final when many participants dress in Renaissance period costumes as noble folk, peasants, and farmers, then promenade through the streets before the game. During the build up to the final in the preceding week various evening celebrations and musical events take place throughout the town.


A food and wine walk held on May 1st of each year with various refreshment stops on route for tasting typical local products and listening to live music.


The Craft Beer Festival held in the historic center of Treia and surrounding streets, generally held in the month of July for a few nights. The craft beers accompanied by street-food and entertainment performed by numerous musical groups and street artists are located throughout the old town.

Calcione Festival:

Takes place around Easter and pays homage to a unique product of Marche. Calcione di Treia is recognised as a Typical Regional Product and is offered in different versions; fried or baked, sweet or savoury and is a small crescent shaped pastry with a slit cut in the top to allow its contents to ooze out.

Saint Patrick:

The patron saint of the city of Treia, is marked on 17 March with religious celebrations, and cultural events over several days which of course includes food and wine.

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La Cerqua
Contrada Santa Maria in Paterno 6
(San Lorenzo) Treia. (MC)